Plastic packaging

Sorting instructions

Remove lids and caps and put them into the recycling bin separately. Do not stack different kind of plastic containers, because it makes it difficult for the manufacturing plant to sort the plastics.

Sort all other plastic and broken plastic items, such as buckets, toys and dishes, and dirty plastic packaging into burnable waste.

Put plastic packaging into the collection container in your yard or take it to a RINKI eco take-back point. Plastic packaging is also accepted at sorting stations.

Read more about the waste type

What happens to the waste?

Plastic waste is processed in a plastic recycling plant and manufactured into recycled plastic products and energy.

Samalla tavalla lajiteltavia jätteitä

empty hand sanitizer bottle, PVC packaging, bread bag, Viili cup, vacuum packaging, potato chip bag, plastic wrapping, juice bottle, coffe package, yoghurt cup, shampoo bottle, sunscreen bottle,