Unusable textiles

Sorting instructions

Sell usable clothing and home textiles in good condition for example on a flea market or take them to a collection for a charitable organisation.

  • Sort clean and dry used up textiles into end-of-life textiles.
  • Sort dirty, damp, mouldy, intensively smelling and textile pest containing textiles as mixed waste.
  • Sort rugs, shoes, handbags, belts, underwear, socks, stockings, pillows, blankets, padding and stuffed toys according to size either as mixed waste or large mixed waste (larger than 60 x 60 cm).

Please pack the end-of-life textiles in a tightly closed plastic bag or waste bag. Textiles that are not packed, will be received as mixed waste and charged according to price list.

No rugs, shoes, handbags, belts, underwear, socks, stockings, pillows, blankets, padding or stuffed toys nor damp, mouldy, textile pest containing or intensively smelling textiles.

Read more about the waste type

What happens to the waste?

The end-of-life textiles are delivered through sorting for materials recovery, recycling and energy.

Samalla tavalla lajiteltavia jätteitä

Fabric cuttings, curtain fabric, upholstery fabric, pillowcase, faux fur, towel, bedding, end-of-life textiles, consumer textiles, unwearable clothing, fur, weft rags,