Harmful invasive species

Sorting instructions

The instructions below are general instructions for handling waste containing harmful invasive species.

Japanese rose, Spanish slug, and Lupine each have their own specific instructions.

There is always a risk of spreading invasive species when transporting invasive waste, so dispose of them at the discovery site if possible.

Carefully pack invasive species in securely closed double bags and bring them to the sorting station as invasive waste. Handle invasive species with extra care to prevent plant parts or eggs that could facilitate spreading from entering the environment.

Small loads of invasive species, that have been packed according to the instructions, are accepted at all LSJH sorting stations. Large loads are accepted only at Topinoja and Korvenmäki waste treatment centers.

LSJH sorting stations also accept small loads containing mixed soil and harmful invasive species (eggs, seeds, rootstocks, and/or twigs), free of charge. These loads are sorted as landfill waste. Large loads are accepted only at the Korvenmäki waste treatment center, and arrangements must always be made in advance with an expert. In these cases, please contact LSJH customer service.

Note: Cover the invasive species waste load with a tarpaulin or cover during transport to reduce the risk of spreading.

Wastes belonging to the waste type

Information about the waste type

Harmful invasive species are plants, animals or other organisms that through human action have spread from their natural geographic range to new areas, where they pose a threat to biodiversity and/or cause significant economic, social or aesthetic harm. Himalayan balsam, hogweed, garden lupine, japanese rose and the Spanish slug are examples of these. You will find more information on these on the Invasive Species Portal.